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   作者:国际大圆满同修会主席斯蒂文   来源:国际大圆满同修会脸书群组   阅读:5644   评论:0
内容摘要:我们前进的唯一方法就是通过修法和学习来加深我们的知识经验,进入金库,并自己去取宝。 我知道人们对每件事都有很多意见,我完全知晓。在我们这样一个庞大的同修会里,我们永远不会达成一致;但是,那种一致并不是真正必要的,只会导致更大的官僚机构,以及维持官僚作风的必要性。(今后)各营和林将不得不承担更多的责任,并通过本地会员有更多的参与。他们将自运行,而不必获得许可来这样做或那样做……



国际大圆满同修会主席,SMS老师斯蒂文.兰兹伯格(Steven Landsberg)近日写道(保拉.齐米多维奇笔录):




因此,我们前进的唯一方法就是通过修法和学习来加深我们的知识经验,进入金库,并自己去取宝。 我知道人们对每件事都有很多意见,我完全知晓,在我们这样一个庞大的同修会里,我们永远不会达成一致但是,这种一致并不是真正必要的,只会导致更大的官僚机构,以及维持官僚作风的必要性。我们有仁波切在时,我们的同修会就作为自上而下的等级制度运作正常。他是最终的权威但现在我们没有了这个最终权威。在等级制度没有船长的必然结果是权力下放(去中心化)各营将不得不承担更多的责任,并通过他们的本地会员有更多的参与。每个都会自己做决定。他们将运行,而不必获得许可这样做或那样做如果他们愿意,他们可以邀请其他老师(或上师)教授,而不是超越或稀释(南师)仁波切的教示,一视同仁地去激励新、老弟子。SMS老师也是如此。们不会是彼此的复制品,他们会遵循自己的灵感、经验、能力和信心。我们不需要官僚主义的指导方针,这些指导方针无论如何也会被忽视。这些是我自己的想法,我不期待达成任何共识。


斯蒂文 · 兰兹伯格(Steven Lands berg) 




Steven Landsberg wrote (transcript by Paula Dziemidowicz) ... “Recent events have inspired me to think a little about the future of the dzogchen community. These remarks are totally personal and have nothing to do with my position on the IG. I have absolutely no authority and I have no wish for any authorization from anyone. It is a time when we need a unifying message that can remind us of our single connection to the dzogchen teachings and to our master CHogyal Namkhai Norbu. We need to feel somehow that we have this common link and bond and not fall into the issue of who has the authority to do this or that. The fact that none of us have any authority is just another way to say we all have authority. We have our individual responsibility to our practise and if we consider that to be of utmost importance and actually seek to do it, experience it, and gain some level of confidence in it, the other questions will answer themselves. We are all students of the same Rinpoche and as individuals we carry the seeds of his knowledge within us. If we consider Rinpoche as having boundless knowledge, then even if you were to  divide that amongst the number of individuals that we are, boundlessness divided by any number is equal to boundlessness. It means we all have infinite potential. That is not just an abstract concept and according to the teaching, that potentiality is presently lying within us. Its useful to remind ourselves of that not so that we can assume some authority or position, but so that we can connect to the teaching meaningfully. We should avoid minimizing our capacity, and instead, try to fulfill our responsibility to the community. We dont need to worry about things like, “ who will give transmission and authority to read this or that book, or go to the next level of SMS, or authorize us to be teachers or transmitters. There is no longer any authority for that and as there is no authority for that, my personal belief is that we should let go of these restrictions and limitations. Let us open up as a community, welcome new people to all the knowledge that we have buried in our bookstores without any kinds of restrictions. Let us allow people to move forward with their SMS studies as long as they have fulfilled the requirements of the previous level. We dont need examinations, diplomas, and authorizations. What we need is our own committment and personal responsibility, realize our inherent capacity, and take proper  ownership of the transmissions we have received. There is nobody there to give us that. And so the only way we to have to go forward is to deepen our knowledge through practise and study, enter the vault and take it oneself.  I know there are many opinions about everything and I am fully aware that we will never reach agreement in a community that is as large as ours. But that type of agreement is not really necessary and only leads to larger bureaucracy and the necessity of policing it. Our community functioned all right as a top down hierarchy as long as we had Rinpoche. He was the final authority. But now we dont. The inevitable result of not having a captain in a hierarchical situation is decentralization. Individual gars and lings will have to take on more responsibility and have greater participation through their local membership. Each gar and ling will make their own decisions.They will run themselves without having to get permission to do this or that. If they want they can invite other teachers, not to take over or dilute Rinpoches instructions, but to inspire old and new students alike.  The same will be true of SMS teachers. They will not be carbon copies of each other at all and they will follow their own inspiration, experience, capacity, and confidence. We dont need bureaucratic guidelines which will get ignored anyhow. These are my own thoughts and I have no expectation of any consensus. all best wishes, Steven Landsberg”

标签:大圆满同修会 南开诺布 